African Entryway

Today is our 1-year wedding anniversary. So far I've done laundry, made an apple pie, completed 2 hours of design work (not the fun kind), and posted a blog entry. I also FINALLY chose honeymoon pictures with my husband to frame and hang in the entryway. Our entrance is our Africa zone - where we'll showcase our honeymoon pictures, our 7-1/2' tall giraffe, and various other theme-oriented merchandise. So far we have a stool from Ghana (from and the giraffe named A.B. De Villiers. We carried him back from Africa, where we had to bribe baggage handlers in Johannesbourg, and give him a cricketer's name, to get him on the plane. He's currently recovering from a bout of powder-post beetle infection. Today I gave him some friends - a powerful lion from our safari, and a sweet relaxed young cheetah whom we petted in Stellenbosch. Um, can you say "productive Sunday" ?


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